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Manual arc welding is a common welding method that has important features. During the technology, the metal is rapidly heated to the melting temperature. All this is achieved due to the influence of an electric arc, which occurs as an effect of air breakdown between the electrode and the workpieces being welded. Additional materials are introduced into the weld area, they fill the gap that often forms between the parts being welded.

To accurately understand the definition of manual arc welding, it is worth carefully considering the features of creating a welding bath. It is formed in the heating area. In this zone, molten metal and parts are mixed with the filler wire material.

Usually slag floats up in a molten form - this is a burnt coating of a melting electrode or the remains of a non-melting core element. The slag protects the incandescent metal base from the harmful effects of gas mixtures that are in the atmosphere. This effect can cause oxidation of the seam. This facilitates the ingress of gas atoms into its structure, as a result, the strength qualities of the welded joint decrease.

Manual arc welding can be carried out using two types of electrodes - melting and non-melting. The first type is an additive, it can be used without additional elements. When using the second type, a filler wire must be inserted into the melt.

Models: ARISTO 500, ARISTO 400, ARISTO 300, CaddyArc 251i A34, CaddyArc 251i A32, CaddyArc 201i A33, CaddyArc 151i A33, CaddyArc 152i A31, BuddyArc 180, ORIGOARC 810C, OrigoArc 650c A12, OrigoArc 4001i A24, OrigoArc 410c A12, OrigoArc 4001i A22, CaddyArc 201, BuddyArc 145, BuddyArc 180, 200, Rogue 180i PRO, 200i PRO, OrigoArc 4001.


All ESAB products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant ESAB: gas and welding equipment, welding materials, plasma and automatic cutting
  • Argon arc welding machines ESAB
    Argon arc welding machines
    OrigoTig, BuddyTig, etc.
  • Semi-automatic welding machines ESAB
    Semi-automatic welding machines
    OrigoMig, AristoMig, etc.
  • Manual arc welding ESAB
    Manual arc welding
    CaddyArc, OrigoArc, etc.
  • Plasma Cutting Equipment ESAB
    Plasma Cutting Equipment
    PowerCut, Cutmaster, etc.
  • Components and consumables ESAB
    Components and consumables
    Cool Midi, MXL, etc.
  • Burners ESAB
    SR-B, PSF, etc.
  • Electrodes ESAB
    Pipeweld, Tensitrode, etc.
  • Welding Wire ESAB
    Welding Wire
    Autrod, AristoRod, etc.
  • Powder Wire ESAB
    Powder Wire
    Coreshield, Tubrod, etc.
  • Filler rods ESAB
    Filler rods
    Tigrod et al .
  • Fluxes and tapes ESAB
    Fluxes and tapes
    Flux, Band, etc.
  • Additional welding materials ESAB
    Additional welding materials
    Backing, Aristo, etc.
  • Personal protective equipment ESAB
    Personal protective equipment
    Aristo Tech, Aristo Spec, etc.
  • Welding Accessories ESAB
    Welding Accessories
    Eco, etc.

About ESAB

In 1904, Swedish engineer Oskar Kjellberg solved a common problem with an innovative solution: he manufactured the world's first welding electrode, a highly fluxed electrode, which significantly improved the quality of the weld metal. By founding Elektriska Svetsnings-Aktiebolaget (ESAB), he has provided more than a century of technological innovation.
  • The past

    ESAB reflects both the rich heritage of design leadership and the historical alliance of several welding industry leaders. In 1989, many leading companies of that time joined together to create a powerful welding alliance.
  • Present

    ESAB Corporation strives to strengthen the position of world pioneers in the field of world-class manufacturing technologies. Today ESAB is introducing new technologies, reaching new frontiers and writing the history of welding for more than a hundred years.
  • Future

    ESAB Corporation will continue to innovate for future production technologies and specialty gas solutions to serve as the paradigm of the future for these industries and the industries they serve.

Information Board ESAB

Learn more about our products ESAB.
  • Questionnaire from manufacturer ESAB


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